Friday, 29 June 2012


AMEIZING amazing! May 5


We declare SPOT has no heartworms already! ^_^ May 11

一讲到马来西亚哪里哪里不好,哪里哪里不比外国,很多人都很会加把嘴。但是,一讲到投票(或投诉),他们都说他们是政治中立者!这只不过是一个怕给自己找麻烦的烂借口!他妈的政治中立者也不就是一群没有立场,不履行公民责任的人吗?!私下投诉就锵锵有声意见多多。叫你上街去喊去投诉,一下就变缩头龟了!这里不好,要不你就走咯!要不就善用你手上的一票把它变好!你说谁能担保换了会更好,可是你能担保国阵不再吃钱吗?!如果你说你觉得国阵执政很好,你投他我也没那么有意见!你说你中立!!不投票甚至还未登记,我就火大了!做人有点立场可以吗?! May 23

想当年,很幸运USM收了我,不幸当时政策不好,就决定不读了。幸运的是还可以回来继续念Form 6,成绩却不幸的给我搞砸了。读医的梦想不幸的给灭了,却幸运的换来了DVM这难忘的五年和自己钟爱一生的职业。刚毕业时事业不顺,却换来了一群好同事和猫犬以外的知识。硬着头皮写了份揶揄公司政策的报告,换来的却是重用和一年三次的加薪。很幸运地买了一所心水房子,公司却出现了许多不明确的因素,岌岌可危。觉得钱不够用了,却激发了我创业的冲动。开了自己的诊所,房价也翻了将近一倍。创业初的不顺心,却让我意识到理财的重要,处理业务也慢慢的更得心应手。我的大半生就是这样徘徊在幸与不幸之间。幸焉知非祸,不幸焉知非福。不要为短暂的幸运而沾沾自喜,也不必为一时的不幸而放弃自己。只要以正确的态度做应该做的事,人生还是处处都是小幸福。 May 23

人与人之间的沟通其实很难。因为我们都被困在自己的躯壳内,而眼睛却只能看见别人的躯壳。有没有想过我们的眼睛能看到的世界,有多少份实,有多少份虚。那看不见摸不着的心灵深处住着那赤裸裸的实相。外人能窥探多少,自己又有多久没看见自己。写到这里,忽然觉得那镜子照不见的自己很美但是很陌生,那镜子照得见的自己很熟悉但是却有点不堪入目。被躯壳囚禁而不得不依赖眼睛这两扇窗的人到头来还是寂寞的。还不如把眼睛关上,用心去看自己和这个世界来的更清晰更自在。 May 24

今天開始,我要愛我自己。 May 25

在每一个驿站,礼貌地上车,礼貌地下车。沿途风景是美也好,路途颠覆不定也罢。那只是一段记忆。只有那最后的一趟车才是我期盼的,只有它送我到终点。 May 27

在浩瀚的大海里,海龟爱上了鱼。它了解那是缘份的错爱,只是还是敌不过那身不由己。只为了那一丁点儿自己也说不上来的微妙感觉,它决定一生为鱼漂泊。 May 27

人家看中国将崛起,老早就开始推行华人华语。我们的政府呢?依然视华教为洪水猛兽!这么眼光短浅的政府,你还要吗? May 29

Raining day~~ Hope I'm still on my bed... But doggies need me, kitties need me, rabbits need me.. I'm on my way... >.< May 30


Today's Mission 1: To develop a complete anaesthetic protocol for rabbits (accomplished); Mission 2: To intubate rabbit for gas anaesthesia (failed, blind intubation is harder than I can imagine); Mission 3: To perform an OHE on rabbit (ended up an exploratory laparotomy, the organ is too premature to remove..); patient recovered from the procedure uneventfully.. ^_^ May 31

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Conclusion.. I'm factual, logical, structural, organize, boring, not a dreamer, not emotional, and not very helpful, very Asian, more a doctor than a vet.. =_=||| — at Anggun Puri Condominium, Dutamas June 2


No one will understand how high my adrenaline levels now.. My heart is pumping damn fast.. when I see her!! The urinary bladder prolapsed through the vagina in this rabbit during her parturition.. Damn! June 5

死咯!17号meeting,一份policy都还未写好。。=_=|| June 7

I love Paradigm Mall! ^_^ June 10

Wen Wen's first day to school! June 11

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兄妹俩在车内高唱Big Band 的Fantastic Baby!你们会韩文zomo我不知道的?!!(拜服) June 13

我不觉得我国有能力照顾好大熊猫!请行行好!放过它们吧! June 14

Yawn~我不知道我是做得太累,还是坐得太累~傻傻分不清楚!>.< June 14

Best quote of the day: "Healthcare is always about working together, complementing each other" from our associated pharmacist.. June 14

一面FB,一面Whatsapp.. Chat个不停,policy抛诸脑后了。。T.T June 15


Noty spoiled my plug again with his urine the other day.. The consequence is.. he has no more balls today.. :) June 18

When it takes a minute for me to recall how many patients I hv in my clinic.. It's time to build more kennels.. June 18

Very remote place, peaceful township, cozy working environment, friendly colleagues, many resident animals, bad salary, one leg kick, amber parking space, near Balai and next to Obstetrics, walk dogs everyday, save money on gym, air conditioned but sometimes still sweat, just basic, no allowance, no bonus, no annual dinner, no company trip, no insurance, have to volunteer to animal shelter, able to stand blood, stool and urine, eat on dog bowl, refrigerator is only for vaccine and dead carcasses, package comes with a handsome boss.. Anyone? June 19

没有好不了的伤痛,只有忘不了的惋惜。 June 19

Grooming time! Groomer: Me! June 20


爱情是酱的吗?面对对的人,要凭感觉;面对错的人,要凭分析。。 June 24

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